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> Saved Spots For Dream Packages
Emerald Flame
post Oct 22 2009, 05:14 PM
Post #1
Group: DEP Admins

Emerald Flame

Update, Dec 25, 2013: From this point on forward, please send your reservations to us through our support system at http://support.furcadia.com. Please include the information listed below. Thanks, Cironir.

We are happy to announce that Dream Packages can now have a "Saved Spot" on a main map for their dream to upload to.

How it works: After Dream Package owners get their assigned location, a placeholder upload pad will show in their spot when the dream is not uploaded. Only the designated upload alt with the Dream Package on it will be able to upload to that location. To upload they just stand next to it and press control-t as usual. They can also unload any time they want and the spot will be saved until they are ready to reload.

How you get your assigned spot: We don't have the new webpages ready yet so for now you will need to post an answer to this thread with the following information. Your spot will be granted or you will be contacted by a staff member (Cironir, Gar or Emerald) to set up an alternate location:

  1. Name of your Dream uploader.
  2. Name of your Group (if different).
  3. Names of your Rah and Taneests (the Rah should be the owner of the package and the dream as DEP will only deal with one person when managing Dream Packages) .
  4. Main Map you upload to (if you upload inside a private dream we can't save that, sorry).
  5. Preferred coordinates.
  6. How long you've been uploading at that location.
  7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested.
  8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location (please upload it to tinypic.com or another reliable site).

Notes on eligible spots:
  • You can choose places that are not currently uploadable as long as they are not in a path and are on upload maps.
  • You can only choose a SS pad locations if you have been uploading regularly on that pad for 6 months.
  • The Main Hall in AI is an acceptable location for upload now.
  • You cannot choose a spot that another group has been loading to regularly, even if they are not SS or DP owners.
  • Due to this being a staff intensive feature, groups will only be able to change locations once every six months.

What happens if your Dream Package expires
: All Dream Package features have a grace period after you stop paying(2 weeks, I think). For that time you will still be able to upload to the location. After that time, if you do not reorder a Dream Package, you can contact a staff member to get your space back for regular upload. The spot will go back to being a "first come first serve" location and there's no guarantee that you will get the spot. If you've chosen a spot that is not a usual upload location, the spot will go back to non-uploadable.

What if a Dream Package owner is trying to claim a location you normally load to? Saved spots are supposed to be locations that your group normally load at or someplace that is not regularly used by someone else. If a Dream Package owner has asked for the location you loading in for at least 6 months, please do not confront them directly. Submit a ticket (don't send an email) at http://support.furcadia.com/, preferably with evidence that you normally load there, such as a screenshot of your portal. Make sure you write from the email address that your uploader is registered to.

What if you had an old school chartered guild?
If you have a chartered guild that you have been continuously running for the past four years since we shut new charters down, we will give you 6 months of a dream package and you can sign up for your spot. Guardians will no longer be involved in helping chartered spots. (Update: This is no longer applicable.)

Any questions? Please don't post questions in this thread, but submit a ticket at http://support.furcadia.com/.
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City of Sin
post Oct 24 2009, 07:24 AM
Post #2
Group: Furres

City of Sin

  1. Name of your Dream uploader: City of Sin
  2. Name of your Group (If different): None
  3. Names of your Rah: Tianlong
  4. Main Map you upload to: FurN
  5. Prefered coordinates. Note: Due to this being a staff intensive feature, groups will only be able to change locations once every six months. (34,45)
  6. How long you've been uploading at that location: Roughly two months
  7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested. (36,49)
  8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional). Here

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 34,45]
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Kain Ragnorok
post Oct 24 2009, 10:47 AM
Post #3
Group: Furres

Kain Ragnorok

1. Name of your Dream uploader: Northkeep
2. Name of your Group (If different): N/A
3. Names of your Rah and Taneests: Rah: Kain Ragnorok. Taneests: Lauren Bassnium, Lares Fuxfell, and Serin Peth.
4. Main Map you upload to: Imaginarium
5. Prefered coordinates: (62,55)
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: 2 or 3 years
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested: Imag 66,59
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location: Don't have a normal one right now. I can provide one once our festival is over, though!

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 62,55]
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+Quote Post
Celes Chere#SM
post Oct 24 2009, 01:45 PM
Post #4
Group: Furres

Celes Chere#SM

1. Name of your Dream uploader: Eternal Shadows
2. Name of your Group (If different): N/A....same name.
3. Names of your Rah & Taneests: Rah: Celes Chere#SM ---- Taneests: A. Te'mari K'Treva n'ha Lyr'i ---- B. Nicholae
4. Main Map you upload to: Hawthorn
5. Prefered coordinates: X=34,Y=26
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: Ever since Hawthorn became a M16+ map....forget how long ago that was. Moved there the day I heard.
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested: N/A
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional): N/A
9. What if you had an old school chartered guild?: Was one,have run it continuously for 7+ years. Used to have the name Celes Hidden Garden,based in FurN. FurN no longer fit Guild and moved.

Yesh Emmie,I already know I got my spot....was just making sure everyone knew and who the Rah and Taneests are.

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 34,26]
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The Procrastination Lounge
post Oct 24 2009, 01:46 PM
Post #5
Group: Furres

The Procrastination Lounge

  1. Dream Uploader: The|Procrastination|Lounge
  2. Name of your Group: (same, The Procrastination Lounge)
  3. Rah: Artspace, Taneests: Mredria and Runetta
  4. Main Map you upload to: Hawthorne
  5. Prefered coordinates: (14,25)
  6. How long you've been uploading at that location: Since at least December '08.
  7. Alternate coordinates: (10,24)
  8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location: (will do this soon and edit the post for link).

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 14,25]
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+Quote Post
Rat The Unloved
post Oct 24 2009, 02:11 PM
Post #6
Group: Furres

Rat The Unloved

1. Name of your Dream uploader.: The|Psycho-Delic
2. Name of your Group (If different).: (same)
3. Names of your Rah and Taneests: Rat|The|Unloved and Alluvial.
4. Main Map you upload to: Hawthorn.
5. Prefered coordinates: 8,20 (I think?)
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: Since September of 2007, so slightly more than two years.
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested: IF it's contested, there's a pad south and slightly west of us that would be fine. I believe it's coords are 8,24 or 8/25?
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional). Screenshot

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 8,20]
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Ansteorra Kingdom
post Oct 24 2009, 03:56 PM
Post #7
Group: Furres

Ansteorra Kingdom

  1. Name of your Dream uploader: Ansteorra Kingdom.
  2. Name of your Group (If different): Ansteorra Kingdom.
  3. Rah: Kitzibeth. Taneests: ZagnafeinSilverleaf, SolinoxAvelhar, ShaydeEnkiar, SirumHest, Rivyn, Pathen, MarlinaEvenstar, KeleDe.
  4. Main Map you upload to: Imaginarium.
  5. Prefered coordinates:
  6. How long you've been uploading at that location: The dream has actually been uploaded somewhere else since.. 2002, but no one goes down that road anymore, so I was hoping for a change of scenery. ^^;
  7. Alternate coordinates:
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+Quote Post
post Oct 24 2009, 04:23 PM
Post #8
Group: DEP Staff


Name of your Dream uploader: Cypress Homes
Name of your Group (If different): Cypress Homes
Names of your Rah (The Rah should be the owner of the package and the dream as DEP will only deal with one person when managing Dream Packages) and Taneests: Not sure exactly how this works - the package is placed on Cypress Homes, but the rah/owner is Treeki, and the current taneests/managers are Ausi and Bankai.
Main Map you upload to (If you upload inside a private dream we can't save that, sorry): Allegria Island
Prefered coordinates: 40,65

How long you've been uploading at that location:
Roughly since shortly after our dream opened (22nd February). We haven't always managed to get it back, but we've been loading there most of the time (at one point, we had it for several months without a reload) until 2-3 weeks ago, when the spot was moved. I'm not sure what will happen here, so I'm fine with any of the alternate coordinates.

Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested. You can choose places that are not currently uploadable as long as they are not in a path and are on upload maps. Note: You can only choose a SS pad locations if you have been uploading regularly on that pad for 6 months. Note: Main Hall in AI is an acceptable location for upload now. Note: You cannot choose a spot that another group has been loading to regularly, even if they are not SS or DP owners
Any spot nearby is fine: preferably 38,66, 38,64 or 40,64. As long as it's easily visible from there and easily accessible from the main path, I don't mind - I've got a bunch of queries from people (since I had to move inside the main hall temporarily) asking me about the dream so I'd rather have a spot which is easily findable compared to the current one.

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 38,66]
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+Quote Post
post Oct 24 2009, 04:26 PM
Post #9
Group: Furres


1. Name of your Dream uploader: Sparkling Falls
2. Name of your Group (If different): same name.
3. Names of your Rah: Jaelyx - Taneests: Shinichi Kudo and Nixie
4. Main Map you upload to: Allegria Island
5. Prefered coordinates: 34,73
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: 4-5 months, I believe?
7. Alternate coordinates: 36,71
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location: http://i33.tinypic.com/2n9e16v.png

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 34,73]
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Chyna Rose
post Oct 24 2009, 04:45 PM
Post #10
Group: Furres

Chyna Rose

  1. Name of your Dream uploader: Chynatown
  2. Name of your Group (If different): Chynatown
  3. Names of your Rah and Taneests: R: Chyna Rose T: Arashi Hakubi & Kitkow
  4. Main Map you upload to: AI
  5. Prefered coordinates: 60,37
  6. How long you've been uploading at that location: 8-9 years
  7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested:
  8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional): http://chynatown.bravehost.com/index.html

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 60,37]
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Farren Dustfur
post Oct 24 2009, 05:03 PM
Post #11
Group: Furres

Farren Dustfur

1. Name of your Dream uploader: SSS
2. Name of your Group (If different): Swift, Sharp, and Sensitive (we go by SSS, though)
3. Names of your Rah (The Rah should be the owner of the package and the dream as DEP will only deal with one person when managing Dream Packages) and Taneests: Rah is Libby Forrester, Main Taneest (as in the one who gets a silver crown every month) is Farren Dustfur, And secondary Taneest changes, but right now it's WolfLupus
4. Main Map you upload to (If you upload inside a private dream we can't save that, sorry): Hawthorn.
5. Prefered coordinates. Note: Due to this being a staff intensive feature, groups will only be able to change locations once every six months: 28,36
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: Oh, a while definately... unsure when we first started uploading there... maybe january or february of '09? It was before march, at least.
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested. You can choose places that are not currently uploadable as long as they are not in a path and are on upload maps. Note: You can only choose a SS pad locations if you have been uploading regularly on that pad for 6 months. Note: Main Hall in AI is an acceptable location for upload now. Note: You cannot choose a spot that another group has been loading to regularly, even if they are not SS or DP owners: 30,30 if possible.
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional): http://i34.tinypic.com/11t04k6.png

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 28,36]
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Archimedes ta Scathach
post Oct 24 2009, 05:56 PM
Post #12
Group: Furres

Archimedes ta Scathach

1. Name of your Dream uploader.
The Town Of Urraim

2. Name of your Group
Sisceal Continuity

3. Names of your Rah (The Rah should be the owner of the package and the dream as DEP will only deal with one person when managing Dream Packages) and Taneests.
This is complicated as there are two Rahs, however it will be registered under Archimedes ta Scathach.

*Rah: Archimedes ta Scathach
*Tahneests: Narsuun, Christiana ta Scathach, Brid, Valien Sallan , Thomas ta Scathach

* For purposes of this venture, list Thomas ta Scathach as a Tahneest. He, however, is full co-owner of the dream. It is understood that DEP will only recognize one of us, but this is purely for clarification should question ever arise.

4. Main Map you upload to (If you upload inside a private dream we can't save that, sorry).

5. Prefered coordinates.
86, 32

6. How long you've been uploading at that location.
Over 1 year, (it will be 2 in February)

7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested.
88,34; or 88,31

8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional).

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 86,32]
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+Quote Post
post Oct 24 2009, 06:35 PM
Post #13
Group: Furres


1. Dream Name: Leirune
2. Group Name: Leirune
3. Rah: Youlanda Tans: Justin Tyrden, Shir0gitsun3
4. Map: Imaginarium
5. Coordinates: 144, 90
6. Time there: 2-3 years.
7. Alternate Locations: Somewhere nearby that area.
8. Link to screenshot location: http://www.leirune.com/images/9/94/Pos09.png

Note: Really Oldskool chartered dream.
Haven't been taken care of in the group package thing yet.

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 144,90]
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Emerald Flame
post Oct 24 2009, 08:56 PM
Post #14
Group: DEP Admins

Emerald Flame

1. Name of your Dream uploader: Sanctuary
2. Name of your Group (If different): The Circle
3. Names of your Rah & Taneests: Rah: Emerald Flame
4. Main Map you upload to: AI
5. Prefered coordinates: 56,52
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: 11 1/2 Years!
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested: Anyplace nearby
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional):

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 56,52]
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Ghost Wolf GlowStick
post Oct 24 2009, 09:18 PM
Post #15
Group: Furres

Ghost Wolf GlowStick

1. Name of your Dream uploader: Ghost Wolf GlowStick
2. Name of your Group (If different): Old Wolf Packland
3. Names of your Rah: Rah- Ghost Wolf GlowStick
4. Main Map you upload to: Wylde
5. Prefered coordinates: 94,207
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: Around July of 2009, occaisionally not getting to that spot quick enough after furcadia restarts(like after the most recent one).
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested: 98,207
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional): Picture

Note: I'm not 100% sure the coordinates are right.

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 94,207]

This post has been edited by Gar: Oct 27 2009, 10:15 PM
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+Quote Post
post Oct 25 2009, 12:04 AM
Post #16
Group: Furres


  1. Name of your Dream uploader - Battle Frontier
  2. Name of your Group (If different) - Battle Frontier
  3. Names of your Rah and Taneests - Rah: Kuger Taneest: Bitmap
  4. Main Map you upload to - Allegira Island
  5. Prefered coordinates - 24,57
  6. How long you've been uploading at that location - at least 6 months (i think)
  7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested - i have used the same spot for a long time now and uploading in a new spot would throw things off balance
  8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional) - N/A

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 24,57]
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+Quote Post
post Oct 25 2009, 05:27 AM
Post #17
Group: Furres


1. Name of your Dream uploader: Spiritscape
2. Name of your Group (If different): NA
3. Names of your Rah and Tannests: Spiritscape, Nommad, Bear, Kanone
4. Main Map you upload to: AI
5. Prefered coordinates: 36,38
6. How long you've been uploading at that location: 1-2 years
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested: Will decide if it is contested.

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 36,38]
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+Quote Post
Presea de Keltoi
post Oct 25 2009, 04:49 PM
Post #18
Group: Furres

Presea de Keltoi

  1. Name of your Dream uploader: Burnt Offerings
  2. Name of your Group: Burnt Offerings
  3. Names of your Rah: Presea de Keltoi Taneests: Trsiel, Burnt Offerings
  4. Main Map you upload to: FurN
  5. Prefered coordinates: 54.47
  6. How long you've been uploading at that location: 3 years
  7. Alternate coordinates: 52,45
  8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location: link

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 54,47]
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+Quote Post
post Oct 25 2009, 04:54 PM
Post #19
Group: Furres


1. Name of your Dream uploader.
2. Name of your Group (If different).
3. Names of your Rah (The Rah should be the owner of the package and the dream as DEP will only deal with one person when managing Dream Packages) and Taneests.
Rah - Edward
Taneests #1 - Envy
Taneests #2 - This one changes every now any then between 2 of my best friends.
4. Main Map you upload to (If you upload inside a private dream we can't save that, sorry).
Algeria Island
5. Preferred coordinates. Note: Due to this being a staff intensive feature, groups will only be able to change locations once every six months.
6. How long you've been uploading at that location.
About 2 too 2 and a half years.
7. Alternate coordinates that would be acceptable to you if your first pick is contested. You can choose places that are not currently uploadable as long as they are not in a path and are on upload maps. Note: You can only choose a SS pad locations if you have been uploading regularly on that pad for 6 months. Note: Main Hall in AI is an acceptable location for upload now. Note: You cannot choose a spot that another group has been loading to regularly, even if they are not SS or DP owners.
8. Link to a screenshot of your dream uploaded to that location(optional).

[Staff Edit: Saved Spot Given at 50,29]
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+Quote Post
Myshella Cambree
post Oct 25 2009, 08:15 PM
Post #20
Group: Furres

Myshella Cambree

1. Murder, Mystery, Intrigue
2. Same
3. Rah: Murder, Mystery, Intrigue / Myshella Cambree
4. Allegria Island
5. 40,65
6. Over 6. Years. When available to get back after server resets.

[Staff Edit: No current Dream Package, could not save spot.]
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